Sunday, 12 May 2013

Painting- Subject Matter

After hanging a few different ways, this is what I decided my final show should be.

Painting- Subject Matter- Glassine Paintings

After seeing Eric Fischl's glassine paintings I wanted to try something similar in placing separate images together to create a new composition/scene. I had no idea what the final composition would be, I just painting random objects and different people and would decide on the final image later.

Painting-Subject Matter

I did many quick gestural drawings to get used to the human figure

3-5 minute blind drawings

 8 minute gestural drawings done in ink

 8 minute gestural paintings

 3-5 minute gestural sketches

 3-5 minutes gestural sketches

Painting- Subject Matter

For the subject matter project I originally wanted to do something with landscapes.

10-15 minute charcoal sketches done while looking out the windows of my house

5 minute ink sketches done outside in my garden

5 minute acrylic paint sketches done while sitting outside college

But I decided to switch to doing the figure because I was really enjoying the weekly life painting sessions.

2nd Life Painting

 3rd Life Painting but first one done in colour

 A copy I did of a Lucian Freud painting, done in order to get used to skin tones.

Painting- Materials Project

 Experiments with coffee, hot chocolate, ink and glue.

Painting-Materials Project

More experiments with different materials.